This story is apart of our ongoing coverage of 2024 retirees. More stories are soon to come.
The school’s well-loved Driver’s Ed teacher, Sean Neary, is retiring after 30 years of teaching at Glenbard East. He has made a significant impact on the students, the staff, and the school as whole.
Neary had not always been a Driver’s Ed teacher; he originally was a basketball coach, until getting recommended to teach by the athletic director, in which he went back to college. After getting certified to teach, he taught at Morton West for two years. He then transitioned to Glenbard East. Many of his years spent at East were teaching English. Later in his career, he became a Driver’s Ed teacher. For the last ten years, he has also been an assistant athletic director.
Neary’s favorite thing about East are the students and staff, in which he commented about all the great people he’s met through teaching over the past 30 years.
“The people, whether it be students, teachers, or so many great people here now or over the past thirty years. No doubt about it”, said Neary after being asked about his favorite thing at East.
Neary said that teaching has helped him improve relationships in his life. It’s also allowed him to meet many new and great people, which made his time teaching an enjoyable and fun experience. Although he is sad to see it end, he’s excited for what’s to come.
Neary has brought many smiles into his classroom with his humor, and has left a major impact at East. Within his Driver’s Ed class, he created a fun and active learning environment. In the hallway, he is almost always socializing with students and staff.
Many of his students are sad to see him go, and recall their favorite memories. “My favorite thing about Neary is that he is so involved with his students’ lives. He actually talks to us and makes us feel heard,” said Klaudia Kotarba, a sophomore in his Driver’s Ed class.
Although many of his students are sad to see him go, it’s important to know how great of a time he has had. A bittersweet moment for both students and staff alike.