When Duncan Kirkwood was a college student, he missed out on a free trip to the Virgin Islands because instead of simply attending a club meeting he was invited to, he decided to spend the whole time playing video games with his friends.
After learning the hard way that one should see new things as unexplored opportunities, Kirkwood then joined a different leadership club that took him to Washington DC for a Conference where he met Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. This lesson taught him about the importance of choosing the difficult path in order to get the greatest reward.
Kirkwood shared this message of persistence and resilience on February 24 to all students during 2 special assemblies.
He first introduced himself and encouraged the audience to participate with a “Hooah,” a shout he picked up from his time in the army. As a Resilience Officer in the Alabama National Guard, Kirkwood trained soldiers in perseverance, and he said he aims to equip his audiences with the same practical tools.
He instructed the audience to chant his “resilience pledge” along with him, and most did. The pledge was “I will always place my mission first. I will Never accept defeat. I will never Quit.”

Later, he brought up two students to provide a demonstration. He demonstrated how when you fall off a bike each time you fall the better you get and farther you get. He used that to show how perseverance gets you further than skill can.
Kirkwood learned about resilience during his at times difficult childhood. He came from a background of low income and dysfunctional family structure. His father had left him during his childhood. He grew up not doing much outside of his comfort zone but grew out of that and learned from his mistakes.
Students say he left a good impression on them.
Keyona Means, freshman, said she could relate to his message about opportunities.
“When I was in middle school I missed an opportunity because it was too cold outside.” Means said she regrets missing out on track and field because of difficult weather. “You should always try new things even if they are hard,” she said.