This fall brings changes to AP registration
College Board now has students register for their AP exams in the fall in hopes of increasing AP exam passing rates.
Previously, AP exam test-takers would sign up for their exams during the spring of their exams. The deadline for Glenbard East students is October 31; however, students can still register up to November 7. According to the College Board website, anyone who signs up after the deadline will need to pay a late registration fee of $40.00. This is one of the many changes that College Board has made to the AP program.
According to College Board, there was an initiative conducted last year to observe the benefits of fall AP registration. In 2017, they had over 40,000 students sign up for their exams in the fall. They discovered a higher passing rate for students that registered for their exams earlier. Specifically, the College Board’s website reported that underrepresented groups performed much higher on AP exams. These groups included underrepresented minority students, low income students, and female STEM students.