Red Flags of the Echo office
The Echo office is tucked away at the end of the third floor english hallway. When you walk in it looks like a strange capsule of many decades that none of us Gen Z’ers could ever understand. There are stacks upon stacks of old newspapers, a record player, and many broken items. So as a little get-to-know you, here are the most important, confusing, and worrisome parts of the office we all call home.
Pick Up/Drop Off Forms from the 2019 field trip that are still on the door.
Stacks and cases of very old newspapers. This one at least makes sense.
Broken (and fixed) clay sign
A radio/record player without any records to play :’(
The duct tape Echo sign that has stayed up for years out of pure spite.
The broken clock. Picture taken at 3:30.
Staff always on their phones (including an Android)
Concerning table scribbles (2 of many).
This horrid looking “computer”.
Broken shelves
~Quirky~, mismatched and broken chairs that look like they were each pulled from a different dumpster.
Cupid painting cutout from a 2018 Valentine’s Day fundraiser.
The mysterious locked closet.
The “I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MY ACTIONS” sign constantly keeping us in check.
Honorable mentions:
An awards case that hasn’t been added to in a decade! (feat. Get Er Done shirt)
The bloody ram
Him. (A Robin Hood cutout that was intended to be thrown away after a theater production about 10 years ago, but—wrongfully—saved by Mr. Hultgren.)

Marica is a senior and she is returning to the Echo for her second year. Marica is involved in Mock Trial and is the president of Rho Kappa. In her free...

Sofia is a senior and in her fourth year with the Echo as the Copy Editor and Writer. Sofia is the clarinet section leader in band and the president of...

Maggie is a senior, this is her fourth year with the Echo, and is returning as Editor-in-Chief! In addition to the Echo, Maggie plays violin, is orchestra...