What is the best bathroom at East?

Girls’ Bathrooms
12. Athletic Locker Room Bathroom


Smell: 0

Size: ★★


Sink: 0


Total: 5/30

Starting off as the worst, we have the girls’ athletic locker room bathroom! In the corner of what is rumored to have once been a shelter during the Cold War, is a small room with a few stalls and sinks. This bathroom smells atrocious and the lighting is very dim. With stained mirrors, stall doors that don’t lock, and sinks that don’t work, we have given this bathroom 5 stars out of 30.

11. Art Hallway Bathroom

Cleanliness: ★★★

Smell: 0

Size: ★★

Style: 0


Lighting: ★★

Total: 8/30

Second to worst, we have the art hallway bathroom. This stands in the middle of the art hallway with a couple of stalls and sinks. Although this bathroom remains (somewhat😬) clean due to the art hallway not being too commonly used, the bathroom reeks and the style is dingy… The sinks get 1 star due to them being at awkward sizes (2 sinks: one wide and one tiny), and only one of them works! Therefore, this bathroom receives 8 stars out of 30.

10. Backstage Bathroom


Smell: ★★


Style: 0

Sink: ★★★


Total: 8/30

At #10 on the list, we have the backstage theater bathroom (different than the auditorium bathroom). Only the theater kids know about this bathroom, so you would assume that this is a nice bathroom, correct?… WRONG!! This bathroom rarely gets cleaned by staff. It smells putrid when it doesn’t get cleaned! Fiona Bilkey has said there was one time bodily excretion sat in the stall for months, and never got cleaned. There is only one stall, and the lighting is not very good at all. But, the sink is pretty effective…9 out of 30 stars.

9. PE Locker Room Bathroom


Smell: 0

Size: 0


Sink: ★★★★★

Lighting: ★★★

Total: 10/30

We have the girls’ PE locker room  bathroom up next at #9. Right as you walk into the locker rooms, the bathroom is to your right. A stench hits your face as you walk past, but the sinks are good and the lighting is okay. This bathroom may not sound too bad, but as you walk into the first stall, there is a strip of wood drilled into the side to block people from looking at you! That’s a bit janky… Therefore, this bathroom receives a 10 out of 30 stars.

8. Language Hallway Bathroom

Cleanliness: 0

Smell: ★★★


Style: ★★

Sink: ★★★


Total: 10/30

#8 on the list is the language hallway bathroom. This gets a zero for cleanliness due to the leaking toilets and towels on the floor (to soak up the water from the toilets😬). Along with this, it is a pretty small bathroom. The water pressure on the sinks are good and would be rated 5 stars if it weren’t for the fact that only half of them work. The lighting is pretty dim, so 10 out of 30 stars.

7. Field House Bathroom

Cleanliness: ★★

Smell: ★★

Size: ★★

Style: ★★

Sink: ★★


Total: 11/30

Bathroom #7, the field house bathroom. Personally, I actually do not mind using this bathroom. Everything in it is only slightly less than average. The only thing I would complain about is the large pole in the middle of the bathroom, the fact that there is only one sink, and the random objects found in the toilets… 11 out of 30 stars.

6. Math Hallway Bathroom

Cleanliness: 0

Smell: 0

Size: ★★★★


Sink: ★★★★

Lighting: ★★★★

Total: 14/30

Halfway down the list, we have the math hallway bathrooms at #6. The size, lighting, and sinks of this bathroom are actually decent. Where the rating falls downhill is the poor smell and poor cleanliness. You will find toilet paper everywhere, as well as many clogged toilets. There are ALWAYS barely any usable stalls out of ten! Additionally, many of the floor tiles are ripped out of the floor. We are giving this bathroom a 14 out of 30 stars.

5. Auditorium Bathroom

Cleanliness: ★★

Smell: 0

Size: ★★★

Style: ★★★★★


Lighting: ★★★★

Total: 15/30

Next up, we have the auditorium bathrooms. This bathroom would be fine to use if it weren’t for the deathly smell, half of the sinks working, one hand dryer working, and the constantly wet floor (who knows if it’s water or bodily fluids😬). But, the lighting is good and the style is modern. This bathroom receives a 15 out of 30 stars.

4. Social Studies Hallway Bathroom

Cleanliness: ★★★

Smell: ★★★

Size: ★★

Style: ★★

Sink: ★★★★★

Lighting: ★★★

Total: 18/30

At #4 on the list, we have the social studies hallway bathroom. You may think that this bathroom would have been further down on the list, but everything in the bathroom is just average. Every time I’ve been in there, the bathrooms aren’t grossly dirty, it doesn’t smell too bad, all of the sinks have good water pressure, and the lighting is pretty average. My only complaint is that the bathroom style is old, and the size of it is also smaller. We are giving this bathroom 18 out of 30 stars.

3. Science Hallway Bathroom

Cleanliness: ★★★★★

Smell: ★★★★

Size: ★★★★

Style: ★★★★

Sink: ★★★

Lighting: ★★★

Total: 23/30

In the top three of all of the girls’ bathrooms, we have the science hallway bathroom. This bathroom is very clean and there is rarely ever a stench. One of the only issues is that the water pressure of some of the sinks are really hard, so the water splashes back up at you! The stalls are also awkwardly skinny, and the lighting is very inconsistent throughout all of them. They recently added more lights because the bathroom used to be very dim, so now the lighting is yellow and white…awkward. That being said, these are only minor flaws. 25 out of 30 stars.

2. English Hallway Bathroom

Cleanliness: ★★★

Smell: ★★★

Size: ★★★★★ 

Style: ★★

Sink: ★★★

Lighting: ★★★★

Total: 25/30

The second best girls’ bathroom to use out of the whole school is the English hallway bathroom. You may think that this bathroom should be near the bottom of the list since it is older, but this bathroom is very spacious, has good lighting, and doesn’t smell bad! This bathroom receives a 25 out of 30 stars.

1. Library Hallway Bathroom

Cleanliness: ★★★★★

Smell: ★★★★★

Size: ★★★★★

Style: ★★★★★

Sink: ★★ 

Lighting: ★★★★★

Total: 27/30

The answer you’ve been waiting for — the best girls’ bathroom to use in the whole school is the library hallway bathroom!! This bathroom would be perfect if it weren’t for the hard water pressure. Whenever I use these sinks, water is splashed back up onto my clothes and arms. But, this bathroom has perfect lighting, a more modern look, a full body mirror, eco hand dryers, and it’s SO spacious! 27/30 stars.